E-Learning Day for Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All school buildings and offices will be closed.
Día de E-Learning para el martes, 21 de enero de 2025. Todos los edificios escolares y oficinas estarán cerrados.

Great Books

Great Books

Learning about colors is an important part of early childhood education and preparation for kindergarten. Learning new words is fun for children.   We can support their curiosity of words by introducing to them color words.

Here are some fun winter-themed books to read together:

  • Snowballs by Lois Elhert

  • Stella, Queen of the Snow by Marie-Louise Gay

  • Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman

  • The Lonesome Polar Bear by Jane Cabrera

Nonfiction Books for Science and Discovery:

  • The Emperor’s Egg written by Martin Jenkins, illustrated by Jane Chapman

  • Animals in Winter by Henrietta Bancroft & Richard G. Van Gelder, illustrated by Helen K. Davie


The Grayslake Area Public Library has a wealth of resources and terrific books for all. You can also find a lot of pre-recorded stories available on the library’s YouTube channel.

Grayslake Area Public Library | Grayslake Library YouTube Channel